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Monday, June 4, 2012

Auslogics BoostSpeed v5.3.0.5 Portable

မူိဝ္ꨳꨓꨯꨵ ꨡဝ္ꨁြင္ꨕꨤꨀ္ꨲမꨣးတြꨓ္ꨳပꨓ္တꨣꨲ ပီꨳꨓြင္ꨵꨟဝ္းꨁဝ္ꨀူꨳေꨀꨣꨵꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ။ ꨟူိꨓ္းꨟဝ္းေꨀꨣꨳ ေပꨣးꨡမ္ꨲပတ္းꨡမ္ꨲꨕꨱဝ္ꨳမꨓ္းꨅုိင္ မꨓ္းေꨀꨣꨳေတသုꨀ္ꨵသꨤꨀ္ꨵ ေတꨀꨮꨣꨲ ယꨤပ္ꨲꨓꨯꨬလꨳ ꨁြမ္းေꨀꨣꨳ ေတꨣꨳꨓင္ꨲꨓꨓ္ယဝ္ꨵ။ ꨁြမ္းꨟဝ္းထူိင္း ꨀꨯꨵꨁမ္ꨅူိဝ္းꨓꨓ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨳ ပꨱꨓ္ယြꨓ္ꨵပူိဝ္ꨳ ꨟဝ္းꨡမ္ꨲလꨤင္ꨵ ꨡမ္ꨲပတ္းꨡမ္ꨲꨕꨱဝ္ꨳပꨓ္မꨓ္းꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ။ ယြꨓ္ꨵꨓꨓ္ ꨁꨣꨳꨟဝ္းꨡဝ္ Auslogics BoostSpeed v5.3.0.5 Portable ꨓꨯꨵ မꨣးꨕꨤꨀ္ꨲတြꨓ္ꨳပꨓ္ꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ꨷။ တꨣꨲꨅꨓ္ꨡဝ္ ꨓꨱꨀ္းတီꨳꨓꨯꨳꨁꨣꨳ ေပꨣးယဝ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨳ ꨀꨯꨵꨀꨯꨵလꨤင္ꨵပꨓ္ေသꨀမ္းꨁꨣꨳ꨷
The new BoostSpeed 5 is your one-stop computer maintenance and optimization tool, providing you with everything you may need to keep your PC running fast.

The program will clean up, speed up and repair your system, tweak Windows settings to your liking and protect your privacy.

Clean up your system and free up disk space
Release valuable system resources by getting rid of junk files, useless duplicate files, unnecessary applications and startup programs.

Fix and defrag the Windows registry
Eliminate structural defects, fix numerous errors and streamline your Windows registry to get a more stable and smoothly running system.

Defragment your hard drives
BoostSpeed 5 includes the latest version of our award-winning defragmenter - Disk Defrag 3. It will speed up your computer by optimizing your hard drive's file system.

New! Recover accidentally deleted files
BoostSpeed 5 is now supplied with the File Recovery tool. Use this program to recover accidentally deleted files or files damaged by spyware and computer viruses.

Optimize your Internet connection
Inbuilt Internet Optimizer will automatically tune your Internet connection settings to maximize your download and web surfing speed.

Tweak Numerous Windows Settings
BoostSpeed 5 allows you to tweak over 280 hidden settings to customize your Windows for your liking and maximize your system's speed.

New! Control your hard drive health and space usage
With two new tools - Disk Doctor and Disk Explorer it will be easy for you to keep your data organized and safe from being lost due to a hard disk failure.

Protect your privacy
Use Track Eraser to hide your computer activity traces, so that no one can see which web sites you have visited or which documents you have recently opened. (16/05/2012)
    All tools. Added free space availability check before creating Rescue Center backups. If there is not enough free space on a disk, user has the option to abort the operation or proceed without creating a backup.
    All tools. Fixed memory leaks, optimized code and algorithms, which improved the speed of practically every tool in the program.
    All tools. All modules that work with hard drives were optimized to correctly process large data volumes, namely the Rescue Center will now correctly create and restore backups larger than 2 GB.
    All tools. Made numerous corrections to language files.
    All tools. Made numerous changes to modules’ interface to make them more convenient and easier to work with.
    All tools. Improved reports and operation results display in response to user feedback. Now this information is easier to understand.
    All tools. Added partial Windows 8 compatibility. Full compatibility will be implemented in BoostSpeed version 5.4
    Integrator. Upon first launch, user is offered to create a restore point, which allows to later revert all changes made to the system.
    Integrator. Implemented an automatic check for newer program versions. Allows users to always stay on top of things and perform timely product updates.
    Integrator. Improved the process of browser history cleanup. Implemented expanded information display and a check for running applications that may interfere with complete cleanup.
    Startup Manager. Improved application list interface. Now it is not necessary to open a separate properties window in order to get a detailed rating description. The information is pulled up by holding the mouse cursor over the respective column.
    Startup Manager. Added a "Google it" button to the toolbar, which allows running a quick internet search for additional information on a specific application.
    Uninstall Manager. Improved application list interface. Now it is not necessary to open a separate properties window in order to get a detailed rating description. The information is pulled up by holding the mouse cursor over the respective column.
    Uninstall Manager. Added a "Google it" button to the toolbar, which allows running a quick internet search for additional information on a specific application.
    Uninstall Manager. Modified and optimized the algorithm of reading data on installed applications and updates. This allows for faster display of the list of installed applications upon program launch.
    Uninstall Manager. Added new Force Remove functionality. This allows to see which files/registry keys/system components were installed by the selected application, and to remove them without using the standard uninstaller (for instance, when there is no such uninstaller present).
    Disk Defrag. Improved algorithm of automatic SSD detection. This allows for more exact SSD detection and for automatic enabling of a special defrag algorithm for SSD’s.
    Disk Defrag. Modified algorithm for system resource usage limitation, which improved overall stability of program operation.
    Disk Wiper. Improved program interface. Added balloon tips for interface elements, which lets quickly obtain a detailed description of various program functions.
    Disk Explorer. Optimized file list output algorithm, which helped considerably speed up navigation and list display on the results page.
    Tweak Manager. Upon first launch, user is asked whether they want to switch to the advanced tweaking mode, which allows to immediately start working with all tweaks.
    File Recovery. Improved search conditions selection wizard interface. These changes will let you control the stage you are at and to start the search at any stage in the wizard using default settings.
    Registry Cleaner. Regrouped the categories list. The new category presentation is more natural and allows for more convenient selection of desired categories for scanning and fixing.
    Track Eraser. Added new applications to the list, including Steam, Google Calendar Sync, Google Talk, Microsoft Silverlight, Macromedia Shockwave, Skype and many others. Added ability to work with new versions of applications that were already in the list.
    System Information. Improved detection algorithms for processor frequency, .Net version, video card type, and list of device drivers, which provides more exact and correct information regarding system environment.
    Duplicate File Finder. Implemented search conditions selection wizard, which provides a more convenient and visual way of setting parameters for accurate duplicates search.
    Service Manager. Optimized main menu to make it more convenient to work with (changed order and location of menu elements).
    Service Manager. Service optimization actions were moved to the main toolbar to allow for faster one-click optimization.
    Task Manager. Implemented detailed svchost.exe process information display functionality, which allows to quickly obtain more detailed and accurate information about all running processes.
    Task Manager. Improved application list interface. Now it is not necessary to open a separate properties window in order to get a detailed rating description. The information is pulled up by holding the mouse cursor over the respective column.
    Misc. Corrected all known bugs.
    Misc. Corrected installer errors, optimized program installation and uninstallation.
Size: 19.1 MB


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