Blogger Widgets

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Monday, October 22, 2012

လꨯꨤးꨡမ္ꨲမီးꨘြꨓ္ꨵတꨯးေꨀꨣꨳ တူꨉ္းလꨯꨳလိꨀ္ꨳတꨯးꨓ္ꨮး blog

မ္ꨮꨲသုင္ꨁꨣꨳ မူိဝ္ꨳꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳꨟဝ္း မီးလြင္ꨳꨁ္ꨮꨳမꨣးꨕꨤꨀ္ꨲတြꨓ္ꨳထုိင္ꨳ ꨕူꨳꨟꨱတ္းပလြꨀ္ꨵꨟဝ္းꨁꨣꨳတင္းသꨱင္ꨳꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ တꨣꨲꨘြꨓ္ꨵ ေꨅꨣꨲꨀ်ီꨲတꨯးေတꨵ ꨡမ္ꨲမီးꨘြꨓ္ꨵ ေꨅꨣꨲꨀ်ီꨲတꨯးေသ တူꨉ္းလꨯꨳယဝ္ꨵꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ တီꨳꨓ္ꨮးပလြꨀ္ꨵ တꨣꨲ Browser IE  ꨬလꨳ Google Chrome ꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ တꨣꨲ Firefox ေတ့တုိꨀ္ꨵꨁတ္းꨅ္ꨮယူꨲꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ ꨀူꨉ္းꨀꨣꨳ ပꨯလꨯꨳ သင္ဝꨣꨳ ꨅဝ္ꨳပလြꨀ္ꨵꨟဝ္းꨁဝ္ ꨅူိဝ္းꨅꨣꨵꨡꨓ္ꨅ္ꨮꨵဝꨯꨵꨘြꨓ္ꨵ ေꨅꨣꨲꨀ်ီꨲတꨯးꨓꨓ္ꨵ ꨁ္ꨮꨳꨅꨤမ္းတူꨉ္းေꨀꨣꨳ တူꨉ္းလꨯꨤးတီꨳတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵ ꨁꨣꨳ꨷
꨼ꨵ ꨀꨮꨣꨲတီꨳ edit html ေသ ꨟꨣꨁြတ္ꨵꨡꨓ္ဝꨣꨳ <head> ယဝ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨳ ꨡဝ္ stylesheet လိင္ꨵတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵသ္ꨮꨲ တ္ꨮꨳမꨓ္းꨁꨣꨳ
<link href='' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> 
2. ꨟꨣꨁြတ္ꨵꨡဝ္ဝꨣꨳ Arial ေသ တင္ꨳꨓꨣꨳ Arialꨓꨓ္ꨵ သ္ꨮꨲပꨓ္ Zawgyi-Taiꨲ သꨱင္ꨳꨁꨣꨳ꨷
3ꨵ ေပꨣးယဝ္ꨵ ꨁုိꨓ္းꨟꨣထꨰင္ꨳဝꨣꨳ font-family ꨓꨯေသ တီꨳတင္းလင္ font-family ꨓꨓ္ꨵ  ꨡဝ္ Zawgyi-Taiꨲ သ္ꨮꨲထꨰင္ꨳေသ ꨓꨱꨀ္း Save Templates ꨓꨯေꨀꨣꨳ ယဝ္ꨵယဝ္ꨵꨁꨣꨳ꨷
လြင္ꨳꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳꨟဝ္းေꨀꨣꨳ ꨡမ္ꨲပꨯꨲလꨯꨳယြꨓ္ꨵꨁꨮꨤင္ꨵတီꨳꨅဝ္ꨳꨘြꨓ္ꨵမꨓ္းေသ ꨟꨱတ္းꨓꨯꨵေꨀꨣꨳ လꨯꨳဝꨣꨳꨁꨣꨳꨟဝ္းꨕိတ္းဝꨯꨵယူꨲ ꨁꨣꨳေꨡꨣꨳ ယြꨓ္ꨵꨓꨓ္ သင္ဝꨣꨳ သူꨅဝ္ꨳꨟူꨵꨅꨀ္းꨅဝ္ꨳꨘြꨓ္ꨵ ေꨅꨣꨲꨀ်ီꨲတꨯးေꨀꨣꨳ ꨁꨰꨓ္းေတꨣꨳ မြꨀ္ꨲလꨤတ္ꨳꨁꨣꨳꨟဝ္းေသꨀမ္းေꨡꨣꨳ꨷
မူိဝ္ꨳဝꨓ္း  ꨡင္းꨀꨤꨓ္း

Saturday, October 13, 2012

ꨡဝ္ꨘြꨓ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨵꨅꨯꨤး လꨯꨤꨳပꨱꨓ္ꨘြꨓ္ꨵတꨯးယူꨲꨓီꨲꨁြတ္ꨵ

ꨅ္ꨮꨵꨘြꨓ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨵꨅꨯꨤးေသ တꨰမ္ꨳလိꨀ္ꨳသ္ꨮꨲတီꨳတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳ꨷ ေပꨣးယဝ္ꨵေꨀꨣꨳ ꨓꨱꨀ္းꨓꨱꨓ္ Convert ꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳ꨷
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ꨘြꨓ္ꨵꨡꨓ္မꨓ္းလꨯꨤꨳꨓꨓ္ꨵ ေတမီးတီꨳꨓူိဝ္ꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳ꨷

ေꨡꨣꨳ꨷ ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨀꨤမ္ꨲလီေသꨀမ္းꨁꨣꨳ တꨰမ္ꨳ/ ꨅꨯꨤးသူိဝ္ꨟꨤꨓ္ မူိဝ္ꨳဝꨓ္းထီꨵ 12/10/2012