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Monday, March 26, 2012

လꨯꨤးꨅ္ꨮꨵgtalkေပꨣးconnection ꨟဝ္းထူိင္း

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တꨰမ္ꨳ - ꨅꨯꨤးသူိဝ္ꨟꨤꨓ္

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to get and download windows 7 sp1

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English x86: X17-59463.iso
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English x86: X17-59183.iso
English x64: X17-59186.iso
Windows 7 Professional N SP1-U ISO (Note: N editions come without media components)
English x86: X17-59335.iso
English x64: X17-59337.iso

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တꨰမ္ꨳ - ꨅꨯꨤးသူိဝ္ꨟꨤꨓ္

How to make windows 7 can use over 30days

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သင္ဝꨣꨳꨡမ္ꨲပြင္ꨲꨅ္ꨮလꨯꨤးꨟꨱတ္းမꨓ္းေꨀꨣꨳ တူꨉ္း ဝီꨶတီꨶꨡူဝ္ꨶ watch video မꨓ္းတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵꨁꨣꨳ

writen by : saihsuahan

How to install windows 7

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သုိပ္ꨲတꨰမ္ꨳ- ꨅꨯꨤးသူိဝ္ꨟꨤꨓ္